About Dr. Judith Reifsteck

Since 1976, Dr. Judith Reifsteck has worked as a writer, licensed professional counselor, university professor, social science researcher, and psychotherapist. In 2016, she retired from teaching and psychotherapy to write full time. Dr. Reifsteck is a mother, grandmother and community volunteer for racial justice coalitions. She writes narrative non-fiction, editorials, and essays.

During her work as an individual and family counselor for 40 years, Dr. Reifsteck worked with trauma victims, refugees, and those in recovery. She also taught and conducted research from a systemic perspective. In the college classroom she taught Lifespan Human Development, Abnormal Psychology, and Trauma Healing and Reconciliation.

The purpose of her writing is to advocate for the vulnerable who do not have visibility or a voice in their communities. She hopes her work leads others to join together in multiracial coalitions to learn an accurate and inclusive Black History. She believes that in memorializing the stories and the victims of racial injustice, we may repair the trauma and tell the true story of structural racism in America.